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These pages are not only for FAAA Members who have “Crossed the Bar”, Obituaries for ALL former FAA Personnel will be accepted.  

1. Notifications of FAAA Member's Obituaries :
Mandatory and Essential.
Inform Mike Wyatt the Membership Secretary – or 01582 608828    

Optional. To have an entry in the Navy News. Go to Navy News eMail Address
and send an email giving details of the deceased. Details should be kept brief but include - Name, Rank, Squadrons/Ships, Length of Service, Date of Death and if so, state member of the Fleet Air Arm Association.

2. Enter Details of Obituary on the Website (May include Non Members) :

Optional. Put it on the Fleet Air Arm Association Website. 
Standard Bearer.
When a Parade of The National Standard is requested by a Branch for the funeral of a Branch Member, the cost of the Parade is to be borne by The Branch.

If it is requested for the funeral of a Member who has served as a National Officer or on the National Executive Committee the cost will be borne by The Association.

The above are subject to the availability of the Standard Bearer.

I hope that is clear for you, if not please give me a call.

"We need to control the use of the Standard, which has to be limited to Members of the Association. Recently we have been receiving requests for anyone who has served in the FAA. Although regrettable it is not possible to meet requests from none Members. We have only one Standard Bearer (at the moment only in an acting role) he has work commitments and notice and funeral location also have an influence availability."

Jim Moulson MBE
National Secretary - FAAA

Supporting the following Military Charities and Trusts

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